The University of Minnesota Duluth Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) will minimize, to the maximum extent practical, the possible negative impacts of the campus on the surrounding watersheds and ultimately the Lake Superior ecosystem.
To this end, the University of Minnesota Duluth will develop, implement, and enforce a storm water pollution prevention program to protect water quality and satisfy the appropriate requirements of the Clean Water Act.
1. To meet the requirements of the NPDES Phase II storm water requirements, the Clean Water Act, applicable Minnesota laws and statutes, and University of Minnesota environmental policies and procedures.
2. To minimize and/or regulate storm water surge volumes by promoting storm water sensitive design.
3. To educate our community about storm water issues.
4. To manage on campus storm water problems efficiently and effectively.
5. To promote overall watershed protection by working with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA); Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR); and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) owners and agencies represented by the Regional Stormwater Protection Team (RSPT).
Our community is composed of the students and employees of the University of Minnesota Duluth. We will be targeting this audience for our specific Standard Operating Procedures, Best Management Practices, annual storm water events, notifications, etc. In realizing that we are but a small part of the Lake Superior watershed area, and that most of our community lives in the greater Duluth area, we will work in conjunction with the surrounding MS4s in promoting storm water education and in dealing with joint municipal storm water problems.