Areas that Discharge into a Restricted Water
Section 23 of the MPCA Construction Stormwater General Permit requires additional BMPs for discharges from the project site within one mile (aerial radius) of a special or impaired waters that then drains to those waters. The University of Minnesota Duluth has several areas within one aerial mile of Lake Superior, a restricted outstanding resource value waters as listed in MN Rules 7050.0335 Subpart 1 (2019).
These properties include:
- Campus (South East Corner)
- Research Lab Building
- Glensheen
- Limnology
When an MPCA Construction permit is required for any project within one aerial mile of Lake Superior the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan must meet or exceed the requirements of Section 23.4 of the MPCA permit # MNR100001 (Construction Stormwater General Permit).
New or fully reconstructed projects of less than one acre that require a grading permit should include appropriate BMPs so that the project does not negatively impact Lake Superior.