The University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) welcomes involvement from the public. For the purpose of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), the UMD “public” is defined as employees and students that make up the campus community. We believe that an involved community is more likely to understand the need for, and thus support the success of a storm water program.
Public Involvement and Participation Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Associated Documents
2A.01 Provide Opportunity for Public Input on SWPPP BMP Summary Sheet (2023)
2B.01 Consider Public Input BMP Summary Sheet (2023)
2C.01 Public Participation Activity BMP Summary Sheet (2023)
- Ideas
- Include storm water information in your classes. We can provide information about our storm water system and watershed, suggest possible class projects, and speak to your class about storm water and other water pollution issues.
- Assist us in reviewing our best management practices. As part of our Storm Water Protection Program (SWPPP) we continue to develop written procedures. If you have special knowledge or concern in a particular area, we would appreciate your input.
- Assist in hands-on clean ups and/or special projects. You can help with projects such as the annual Campus Clean Sweep, held in April during Earth Day celebrations. Let us know and we’ll see that you get the information you need.
- Other. Would you be willing to speak on storm water issues to other classes, civic, or student groups? Do you have storm water related projects that you would like us to help promote?