Public Education & Outreach

The University of Minnesota Duluth is uniquely equipped to provide educational resources for for storm water education to the campus community. Above and beyond our storm water education program, the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI), University of Minnesota Sea Grant, and University of Minnesota Extension, as well as many UMD colleges, schools, and departments have educational resources related to clean water.

For the purpose of the SWPPP our primary "public" is defined as employees and students that make up the campus community.

Since all storm water in Duluth ultimately ends in Lake Superior, all citizens have an added responsibility to protect this pristine water and in doing so protect the source of our drinking water. UMD has been a strong supporter of this philosophy from the start and partnered with the City of Duluth and other concerned organizations and MS4s to create the Regional Stormwater Protection Team (RSPT) in 2003. The mission of RSPT is to protect and enhance the region’s shared water resources through storm water pollution prevention by providing coordinated educational programs and technical assistance. RSPT now consists of 25 organizations, including all of the region’s regulated MS4s. The group meets monthly to address common storm water issues. Find out more about RSPT activities by clicking here. 
Public Education and Outreach Best Management Practices (BMPs)

1A.01  Implement an Education Program (2023)

1B.01 Distribute Educational Materials (2023)

UMD Educational Signage:

Glensheen Storm Water Projects 
Rain Garden Sign 1 
Rain Garden Sign 2 
Bagley Outdoor Classroom 
Lawrence A. Ianni Hall 
Swenson Civil Engineering

Other University Resources:

Natural Resources Research Institute – Water Research 
Minnesota Sea Grant 
University of Minnesota Extension – Water 
University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Stormwater

Additional Resources:

RSPT (Poop Fairy University) PSA’s 
Lake Superior Streams – Water Education 
Lake Superior Streams – Local Streams 
Homeowner Stormwater Fact Sheets 
Water Cycle Glossary of Terms